Jiddu Krishnamurti (writer and speaker on philosophical and spiritual subjects) once said, "Man, in order to escape his conflicts, has invented many forms of meditation. These have been based on desire, will, and the urge for achievement, and imply conflict and a struggle to arrive. This conscious, deliberate striving is always within the limits of a conditioned mind, and in this there is no freedom. All effort to meditate is the denial of meditation. Meditation is the ending of thought. It is only then that there is a different dimension which is beyond time."
So you have heard about meditation. But what is meditation exactly? Why is it good?
- Meditation can cease psychosomatic illnesses
- It can resolve the mental barricade that is responsible for sorrow and unhappiness
- Meditation creates harmony, brings balance to your life and gives inner peace
- It can increase your awareness about life, goals, other people and happiness
- Makes you look younger
- Lowers blood pressure
So you have heard about meditation. But what is meditation exactly? Why is it good?
- Meditation can cease psychosomatic illnesses
- It can resolve the mental barricade that is responsible for sorrow and unhappiness
- Meditation creates harmony, brings balance to your life and gives inner peace
- It can increase your awareness about life, goals, other people and happiness
- Makes you look younger
- Lowers blood pressure